Hope Gain Network Receives Grant to Offer Work from Home Training.


The seed grant will fund training programs for people in need seeking work from home opportunities

-The grant will fund the first of many web based training programs planned by Hope Gain
-Hope Gain Network endeavors to connect people struggling with mental illness with work from home opportunities
-Programming joins practical job training skills with a focus on mental health wellness

September 9, 2020 – Grand Rapids, MI
Hope Gain Network is excited to announce it has secured grant funding from the Pollination Project. This seed grant will allow Hope Gain to implement its first comprehensive webinar series “We Remote: Introduction to Working from Home”.

“The program will be web-based training,” Sheri Munsell, CEO and founder of Hope Gain Network, said of accepting the grant. “The focus will be helping those struggling with mental illness learn how to find a legitimate

The new webinar will fulfill Hope Gain Network’s mission: to help those struggling with depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns find legitimate remote career opportunities.

Recent studies by Owl Labs and CNBC|SurveyMonkey Workforce Survey have shown that people who work from home tend to be happier, have better work life balance, and stay working with companies longer than people who only work on-site.

With the COVID-19 pandemic and jobless claims at a historical high, more people than ever are struggling with their mental health, the mission of Hope Gain Network has become more relevant than ever. The Introduction to Working from Home training will be an important first step for many seeking solutions to the problems many are struggling with today.

“Our goal is to eliminate the stigma of mental illness in the workplace,” Munsell said “We created Hope Gain Network to bring together employers that care and the people who need them. We are excited to be able to bring this opportunity for work from home job training to so many people that need it.”

For more information, please visit Hope Gain’s website HopeGain.org.



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